
The binding of isaac completion marks
The binding of isaac completion marks

the binding of isaac completion marks the binding of isaac completion marks

That means that even if you had earned it, you will have to repeat the accomplishment to earn the mark on the note again. While it was technically possible to do #7 prior to Afterbirth, it was not part of the post-it note, and isn't saved in the game's files. Hush (reached by defeating Mom's Heart/It Lives in less than 30 minutes)

the binding of isaac completion marks

Mega Satan (reaching The Chest or the Dark Room with the Golden Key or similar) Boss Rush (reached by defeating Mom within 20 minutes).They are all in the last row of the note. With the release of Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth, there are 3 new additions to the post-it note. (A black outline for mark #8 indicates beating Greed Mode, while a red outline indicates beating Greedier Mode.) Marks with a red outline, as in the image below, indicate that the event was completed on hard mode. Each character has its own post-it note to fill out, and each addition to the note unlocks an item or cooperative baby for the game. These symbols indicate certain events that you have completed with that character.

The binding of isaac completion marks