It can be thus seen that yuki-onna are often considered the same as the yama-uba, sharing the similarity that they are fecund and take many children along with them. Also, in the Tōno region of Iwate Prefecture, and on Little New Year ( koshōgatsu) or the 15th day of the first month, a yuki-onna would take many children along to a field to play, so children were warned against going outside. Similarly, in Yoshida, Ehime Prefecture, on a night when snow is accumulating on the ground, a "yukinba" is said to appear, and people would make sure not to let their children outside.

In the Ina region of Nagano Prefecture, Yuki-onna is called "yukionba", and it is believed that they would appear on a snowy night in the form of a yama-uba. It is also said that those who are able to withstand the ever-increasing weight of the yukinko and last all the way through would acquire great physical strength. When the warrior handed the child back to the Yuki-onna, the ghoul gave many treasures as thanks for hugging the child. In Hirosaki in Aomori, it is said that there was a warrior ( bushi) who was asked by a yuki-onna to hug a child similarly, but the warrior held a short sword ( tantō) by the mouth and hugged the child while making the blade go close to the child's head, which allowed the warrior to avoid the aforementioned phenomenon. It has also been told that if one refuses, one would be shoved down into a snowy valley. When one hugs the child, the child would become heavier and heavier until one would become covered with snow and freeze to death. Also, it has some points of similarity with the kokakuchō and on the night of a blizzard, as the Yuki-onna would be standing there hugging a child ( yukinko), it would ask people passing by to hug the child as well. Then, before his eyes, the girl turned into a whirl of snow that exited the house through the chimney. When late at night the Yuki-onna would again go out on a journey, the old man would attempt to take her hand to stop her, when he noticed that she was chillingly cold. In the Aomori and Yamagata Prefectures, there is a similar story about one called the "Shigama-onna." In the Kaminoyama region of Yamagata, a yuki-onna would come visit an old couple on a snowy night to warm herself by the irori. This woman was reluctant to go into the bath and when she was made to go in anyway, she disappeared, leaving only thin, fragmented, floating icicles (see also tsurara-onna). In legends from the Ojiya region of Niigata Prefecture, a beautiful woman came to visit a man and became his wife from the woman's own desire. Yuki-onna (雪女) from the Gazu Hyakki Yakō by Toriyama Sekien